Tips & Tricks


Size & content

Ideally we suggest boxes that are 1.5 to 2.5 cubic feet in size for most of your items. This is about the size of box of paper at an office store but those actual boxes are not great as the lids can come off and the handles break. Around 4 cubic feet is good for lighter and non-fragile items. For example pots and pans, pillows, duvets, plastic kitchen containers…

Location & Identification

Put your boxes, as much as possible, all in the same area and well identified with which room they will go into at the new place. This means the movers do not have to stop to ask with each box. It is also important to identify which boxes contain actual fragile items, not everything is fragile!


Recycling & Saving

We encourage recycling but using the same boxes your friends have used for their last 10 moves may not be the greatest idea. You want sturdy boxes, in good condition, and approximately the same size.

Plan & Organise

Be ready before the movers arrive. Have your boxes ready and closed the day before your move, except for the most personal last minute items. Also try not to be working on your boxes until 2 in the morning. Have a good night’s sleep, it will help reduce your stress.